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  Classes of Julian Finkler   Service Container   Download  
Role: Documentation
Content type: text/markdown
Description: Documentation
Class: Service Container
Register container for service handlers
Author: By
Last change: ServiceContainer prepared for PSR-11 implementation

- `loadService()` is now deprecated use `get()` instead
- `has()` method added. Use it to check if a service is registered
- Code style fixed
Date: 6 years ago
Size: 5,239 bytes


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Injector is a dependency injection container. It's fast, reliable and easy to understand.


$ composer require devtronic/injector


Register Services

To register a service you have to call the registerService-method.

ServiceContainer::registerService($name, $service, $arguments = [])

| Parameter | Description | Example | |:-----------|:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------|:---------------------| | name | The unique name of the service. | app.my_service | | service | The service callable. | function($arg1) {} | | arguments | The arguments for the service. Entries with @-prefix are service references | ['', 1] |

Register a service with static arguments

Since not all services need an service injection, the arguments array also supports static entries.


use Devtronic\Injector\ServiceContainer;

$serviceContainer = new ServiceContainer();

$serviceContainer->registerService('app.my_service', function ($name) {
  return 'Hello ' . $name;
}, ['Your Name']);

$serviceContainer->getRegisteredServices(); // Contains the registered Service 

Register a service with a service dependency

Sometimes you need another registered service in your service. In that case you can pass the service name with a @-prefix to reference to it. The (sub-) dependencies are solved recursively.


use Devtronic\Injector\ServiceContainer;

$serviceContainer = new ServiceContainer();

$serviceContainer->registerService('app.another_service', function () {
    return [
        'name' => 'injector',
        'developer' => 'Julian',

$serviceContainer->registerService('app.my_service', function (array $anotherService) {
    return "Name: {$anotherService['name']}, developer: {$anotherService['developer']}";
}, ['@app.another_service']);

Register a class as a service

You can also register a class as a service. If the service is loaded, the constructor gets called with the dependencies.


use Devtronic\Injector\ServiceContainer;

$serviceContainer = new ServiceContainer();

class Car
    / @var int */
    public $maxSpeed = 0;

    / @var string */
    public $color = '';

    public function __construct($maxSpeed, $color)
        $this->maxSpeed = $maxSpeed;
        $this->color = $color;

$serviceContainer->registerService('app.my_car', Car::class, [250, 'red']);

$myCar = $serviceContainer->get('app.my_car');
echo "My Car: Speed: {$myCar->maxSpeed}, Color: {$myCar->color}"; // My Car: Speed: 250, Color: red

Load a service

To load a service you have to call the loadService-method. Once a service is loaded, it remains in memory at runtime. When the same service is loaded again, the first instance is returned.


| Parameter | Description | Example | |:-----------|:--------------------------------|:---------------| | name | The unique name of the service. | app.my_service |


use Devtronic\Injector\ServiceContainer;

$serviceContainer = new ServiceContainer();

$serviceContainer->registerService('app.another_service', function () {
    return [
        'name' => 'injector',
        'developer' => 'Julian',

$serviceContainer->registerService('app.my_service', function (array $anotherService) {
    return "Name: {$anotherService['name']}, developer: {$anotherService['developer']}";
}, ['@app.another_service']);

echo $serviceContainer->get('app.my_service'); // Name: injector, developer: Julian

Add Parameters

The service container also supports static parameters. You can add a parameter using the addParameter-method


| Parameter | Description | Example | |:-----------|:----------------------------------|:---------------| | name | The unique name of the parameter. | |

To pass a parameter to a service, add before and after the name a '%': %name.of.the.parameter%


use Devtronic\Injector\ServiceContainer;

$serviceContainer = new ServiceContainer();

$serviceContainer->addParameter('', 'localhost');
$serviceContainer->registerService('my.service', function ($hostname) {
    return 'Connecting to ' . $hostname;
}, ['']);


$ phpunit


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