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File: admin/js/cliqr.js

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File: admin/js/cliqr.js
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Description: Auxiliary data
Class: CliqonV4
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/* CliqR.Js */ /** Cliqon Report Related Functions - cliqr() * Cliqr.x() - app and utility functions, including: * * reportDesigner() to be done * printRecords() * displayImages() * siteMap() * ******************************************************************************************************************/ var Cliqr = (function($) { // initialise // var shared values var rcfg = { df: new Object, dr: new Object, dc: new Object, tables: '', tabletype: '', fields: '', where: '', sql: '', filterby: [], ceditor: {}, jeditor: {}, teditor: {}, }, cfg = {}; var _set = function(key,value) { rcfg[key] = value; return rcfg[key]; } var _get = function(key) { return rcfg[key]; } /** Report Generator * * reportDesigner() * - generateSql() * - * *************************************************************************************/ /** Report Generator * * @param - Object with options * @return - **/ var reportDesigner = function(opts) { cfg = Cliq.config(); console.log('Reportdesigner JS loaded'); rcfg.df = new Vue({ el: '#reportdesigner', data: opts.defaultdata, // New report or data from saved record methods: { // Buttons at bottom of form, apply to form as a whole clickbutton: function(evt) { var action =; switch(action) { // Preview data using prettyPrint case "viewbutton": var opts = { contentSize: { width: 480, height: 600 }, content: prettyPrint(this.formdef), headerTitle: lstr[7] };; break; // Resets the data to default settings case "resetbutton": this.$data = opts.defaultdata; break; // Generates a preview of the report case "generatebutton": previewReport(this.formdef); break; // Save form definition to database case "savebutton": updateReport(this.formdef); break; } }, // Selects table types appropriate to table selected modelChange: function(e) { var table =; var tabletypes = []; $("select[data-name='tabletype'] option").each(function() { if(stristr($(this).data('table'), table) === false) { $(this).remove(); }; }); }, // Set column in array and then clear for new record OK // Works and works again clickupdate: function(evt, xid) { // Updates the main array from the form this.formdef.d_columns[this.coldef.xid] = { 'd_colid': this.coldef.colid, 'd_colname': this.coldef.colname, 'd_colstart': this.coldef.colstart, 'd_colend': this.coldef.colend, 'd_coltype': this.coldef.coltype, 'd_colattrs': this.coldef.colattrs }; var str = makeCol({ 'xid': this.coldef.xid, 'd_colid': this.coldef.colid, 'd_colstart': this.coldef.colstart, 'd_colend': this.coldef.colend, 'd_coltype': this.coldef.coltype, 'd_colname': this.coldef.colname }); $('#gridwrapper').append(str); // Creates a new coldef array // How many columns in the d_columns array? var numcols = count(this.formdef.d_columns); xid = numcols+1; // Cliq.success(xid); this.coldef = {'xid': xid, 'colid': '', 'colname': '', 'colstart': '1', 'colend': '1', 'coltype': 'text', 'colattrs': ''}; }, // Delete column from form, data and grid clickdelete: function(evt, xid) { // Identify column from d_colid Vue.delete(this.formdef.d_columns, xid); // How many columns now in the d_columns array? var numcols = count(this.formdef.d_columns); // Clear the form this.coldef = {'xid': numcols+1, 'colid': '', 'colname': '', 'colstart': '1', 'colend': '1', 'coltype': 'text', 'colattrs': ''}; // Clear the column from Gridwrapper $('div[data-id="'+xid+'"]').remove(); } }, mounted: function() { console.log('Vue loaded'); var that = this; // Write a title and instructions to the grid on start // <div class="gridi pointer" style="grid-column: 1/2; grid-row: 4/5;" data-id="id" v-on:click="clickrow(arraykey)">Id</div> var tirow = ` <div class="gridi" style="grid-column: 1/12; grid-row: 1/2;" id="grid_c_common">title</div> <div class="gridi" style="grid-column: 1/24; grid-row: 2/3;" id="grid_c_options">instructions</div> <div class="gridi" style="grid-column: 12/18; grid-row: 1/2;" id="grid_c_parent">table</div> <div class="gridi" style="grid-column: 18/24; grid-row: 1/2;" id="grid_c_order">type</div> `; $('#gridwrapper').html(tirow); // This puts an initial column on tyhe Grid with an ID of 'id' and XID = 1 $.each(this.formdef.d_columns, function(xid, col) { var str = makeCol({ 'xid': xid, 'd_colid': col.d_colid, 'd_colstart': col.d_colstart, 'd_colend': col.d_colend, 'd_colname': col.d_colname, 'd_coltype': col.d_coltype }); $('#gridwrapper').append(str); }); // Field support function // Refers to report reference $('.isunique').on('blur', function() { var fldid = $(this).attr('id'); var thisfld = $('#'+fldid); var toslug = $(thisfld).val(); $(thisfld).val( $.slugify(toslug) ); modInput(fldid); }); // TOML editor for column attributes $('.toml').each(function() { var fldid = $(this).attr('id'); // d_fldattrs var thisfld = $('#'+fldid); var tomledid = document.getElementById(fldid); rcfg.ceditor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(tomledid,{ lineNumbers: true, mode: "toml" }); var tomlcontent = thisfld.val(); rcfg.ceditor.getDoc().setValue(tomlcontent); }) // Delegation ...... $('.gridwrapper').on('click', 'div.pointer', function(e) { var xid = $(this).data('id'); // Cliq.success(xid); // Then var cl = that.formdef.d_columns[xid]; that.coldef = { 'colid': cl.d_colid, 'colname': cl.d_colname, 'colstart': cl.d_colstart, 'colend': cl.d_colend, 'colattrs': cl.d_colattrs, 'xid': xid, 'coltype': cl.d_coltype }; $('#d_groupby option:gt(0)').remove(); $('#d_sortby option:gt(0)').remove(); $.each(that.formdef.d_columns, function(i, val) { $("#d_groupby").append($("<option></option>").attr("value", val.d_colid).text(val.d_colname)); $("#d_sortby").append($("<option></option>").attr("value", val.d_colid).text(val.d_colname)); }); }); }, watch: { // Title 'formdef.c_common': function(val) { $('#grid_c_common').text(val); }, // Instructions or description 'formdef.c_options': function(val) { $('#grid_c_options').text(val); }, // Table 'formdef.c_parent': function(val) { $('#grid_c_parent').text(val); rcfg.df.$data.formdef.c_reference = val+'_'+rcfg.df.$data.formdef.c_order; }, // Tabletype 'formdef.c_order': function(val) { $('#grid_c_order').text(val); rcfg.df.$data.formdef.c_reference = rcfg.df.$data.formdef.c_parent+'_'+val; }, 'formdef.d_columns': function(valarray) { $('#d_groupby option:gt(0)').remove(); $('#d_sortby option:gt(0)').remove(); $.each(valarray, function(i, val) { $("#d_groupby").append($("<option></option>").attr("value", val.d_colid).text(val.d_colname)); $("#d_sortby").append($("<option></option>").attr("value", val.d_colid).text(val.d_colname)); }); } } }); /* // Grid Wrapper $('.gridi').each(function(t) { var cl = $(this).attr('rel'); console.log(cl); var grdi = explode('-', cl); $(this).css({'grid-column': grdi[0]+'/'+grdi[1], 'grid-row': grdi[2]+'/'+grdi[3]}); }); */ } /* Normalise a routine * de-replicate the routine to make a column **/ var makeCol = function(col) { return '<div class="gridi pointer" data-id="'+col.xid+'" style="grid-column: '+col.d_colstart+'/'+col.d_colend+'; grid-row: 4/5;">'+col.d_colname+'</div>'; } /** Display menu of reports * * @return - **/ var displayReports = function() { cfg = Cliq.config(); // console.log(fldid, action, table, tabletype); var urlstr = '/ajax/'+jlcd+'/listreports/dbcollection/report/'; aja().method('GET').url(urlstr).cache(false) .on('40x', function(response) {Cliq.error('Page not Found - '+urlstr+':'+response);}) .on('500', function(response) {Cliq.error('Server Error - '+urlstr+':'+response);}) .on('timeout', function(response) {Cliq.error('Timeout - '+urlstr+':'+response);}) .on('success', function(response) { if(typeof response == 'object') { // Test NotOK - value already exists var match = /NotOk/.test(response.flag); if(!match == true) { var opts = { contentSize: { width: 640, height: 400 }, content:, headerTitle: response.title };; // List reports icons $('.reporticon').on('click', function(e) { var dta = $(this).data(); switch(dta.action) { case "editicon": var urlstr = '/admindesktop/en/reportdesigner/dbitem/report/?recid='+dta.recid; uLoad(urlstr); break; case "viewicon": runReport(dta.reference); break; case "deleteicon": cfg = Cliq.config(); var params = { table: 'dbcollection', tabletype: 'report', type: 'delete', // deletebefore recid: dta.recid, action: 'deleterecord', before: '', displaytype: 'reportgenerator', msg: lstr[27]+': '+dta.recid }; return Cliqf.deleteRecords(params); break; } }); } else { Cliq.error('Ajax function returned error NotOk - '+response.msg); }; } else { Cliq.error('Response was not JSON object - '+urlstr+':'+response); } }).go(); } /** All the form and other buttons * * @return - activities and functions **/ var actionButton = function(action) { switch(action) { default: Cliq.success(action); break; } } /** Is unique * Next Reference, Next ID, Is Unique * @param - * @param - * @return - **/ var modInput = function(fldid) // eg 'reference' { cfg = Cliq.config(); // console.log(fldid, action, table, tabletype); var urlstr = '/ajax/'+cfg.langcd+'/'+action+'/'+cfg.table+'/'+cfg.tabletype+'/'; aja().method('GET').url(urlstr) .data({fld: fldid, prefix:'', currval: $('#'+fldid).val() }).cache(false) .on('40x', function(response) {Cliq.error('Page not Found - '+urlstr+':'+response);}) .on('500', function(response) {Cliq.error('Server Error - '+urlstr+':'+response);}) .on('timeout', function(response) {Cliq.error('Timeout - '+urlstr+':'+response);}) .on('success', function(response) { if(typeof response == 'object') { // Test NotOK - value already exists var match = /NotOk/.test(response.flag); if(!match == true) { if( { $('#'+fldid).val(''); $('#'+fldid).focus(); Cliq.msg({type: 'warning', buttons: false, text: 'Value already exists'}); }; } else { Cliq.error('Ajax function returned error NotOk - '+urlstr+':'+JSON.stringify(response)); }; } else { Cliq.error('Response was not JSON object - '+urlstr+':'+response.msg); } }).go(); } /** Function to generate a dummy SQL for display purposes * **/ var generateSql = function() { // Start rcfg.sql = 'SELECT '; // Fields if(rcfg.fields != '') { rcfg.sql += rcfg.fields; rcfg.sql = trim(rcfg.sql, ','); } else { rcfg.sql += '*'; }; // Table rcfg.sql += ' FROM '; if(rcfg.tables != '') { rcfg.tables = trim(rcfg.tables, ','); var tt = explode(',', rcfg.tables); rcfg.sql += tt[0]; }; // Table type or first where if(rcfg.tabletype != '') { if(strstr(rcfg.where, 'c_type') === false) { rcfg.where += ' c_type = ?'; rcfg.filterby[0] = rcfg.tabletype; } }; // Add other Filter by to where if(rcfg.where != '') { rcfg.sql += ' WHERE '+rcfg.where; }; cfg.df.$data.formdef.filterby = rcfg.filterby; cfg.df.$data.formdef.tabletype = rcfg.tabletype; cfg.df.$data.formdef.sql = rcfg.sql; } /** Update a Report in the Database * * @param - object array * @internal - sends report definition to server and displays success message or otherwise **/ var updateReport = function(def) { cfg = Cliq.config(); var formdata = JSON.stringify(def); var urlstr = '/ajax/'+jlcd+'/updatereport/dbcollection/report/'; aja().method('POST').url(urlstr) .data({'formdef':rawurlencode(formdata)}).cache(false) .on('40x', function(response) {Cliq.error('Page not Found - '+urlstr+':'+response);}) .on('500', function(response) {Cliq.error('Server Error - '+urlstr+':'+response);}) .on('timeout', function(response) {Cliq.error('Timeout - '+urlstr+':'+response);}) .on('success', function(response) { if(typeof response == 'object') { // Test NotOK - value already exists var match = /NotOk/.test(response.flag); if(!match == true) { Cliq.success(response.msg); } else { Cliq.error('Ajax function returned error NotOk - '+response.msg); }; } else { Cliq.error('Response was not JSON object - '+urlstr+':'+response.msg); } }).go(); } /** General report routines * * previewReport() * runReport() * printReport() * displayImages() * *************************************************************************************/ /** Preview a report from Report Designer * * @param - array object - unsaved definition * @internal - generates a popup window and sends the definition to the PHP in a semi sql state, * so that the PHP returns a table of data or JSON string **/ var previewReport = function(def) { cfg = Cliq.config(); var formdata = JSON.stringify(def); var urlstr = '/ajax/'+jlcd+'/previewreport/dbcollection/report/'; aja().method('POST').url(urlstr) .data({'formdef':rawurlencode(formdata)}).cache(false) .on('40x', function(response) {Cliq.error('Page not Found - '+urlstr+':'+response);}) .on('500', function(response) {Cliq.error('Server Error - '+urlstr+':'+response);}) .on('timeout', function(response) {Cliq.error('Timeout - '+urlstr+':'+response);}) .on('success', function(response) { if(typeof response == 'object') { // Test NotOK - value already exists var match = /NotOk/.test(response.flag); if(!match == true) { var opts = { contentSize: { width: 800, height: 600 }, content:, headerTitle: lstr[7]+': '+def.c_common };; } else { Cliq.error('Ajax function returned error NotOk - '+response.msg); }; } else { Cliq.error('Response was not JSON object - '+urlstr+':'+response); } }).go(); } /** Finds out if the Report has to have runtime variables updated * displays popup to ask questions then calls new window with report * @param - string reference of a report, as Recid or c_reference * @internal - displays Report in new Window for printing **/ var runReport = function(ref) { cfg = Cliq.config(); var urlstr = '/ajax/'+jlcd+'/getreport/'+cfg.table+'/'+cfg.tabletype+'/'; aja().method('GET').url(urlstr).cache(false).timeout(2500).type('json') .data({reportref: ref, reporttype: 'popupreport'}) .on('40x', function(response) {Cliq.error('Page not Found - '+urlstr+':'+response);}) .on('500', function(response) {Cliq.error('Server Error - '+urlstr+':'+response);}) .on('timeout', function(response) {Cliq.error('Timeout - '+urlstr+':'+response);}) .on('success', function(response) { if(typeof response == 'object') { // Test NotOK - value already exists var match = /NotOk/.test(response.flag); if(!match == true) { var opts = { contentSize: {width: 600, height: 470}, content: response.html, headerTitle: response.title };; } else { Cliq.error('Ajax function returned error NotOk - '+urlstr+':'+JSON.stringify(response)); }; } else { Cliq.error('Response was not JSON object - '+urlstr+':'+response.msg); } }).go(); } /** Print Report in new Window * * @param - * @internal **/ var printReport = function() { cfg = Cliq.config(); var urlstr = '/ajax/'+jlcd+'/printreport/'+cfg.table+'/'+cfg.tabletype+'/'; aja().method('GET').url(urlstr).cache(false).timeout(2500).type('json') .data({reporttype: cfg.reporttype}) .on('40x', function(response) {Cliq.error('Page not Found - '+urlstr+':'+response);}) .on('500', function(response) {Cliq.error('Server Error - '+urlstr+':'+response);}) .on('timeout', function(response) {Cliq.error('Timeout - '+urlstr+':'+response);}) .on('success', function(response) { if(typeof response == 'object') { // Test NotOK - value already exists var match = /NotOk/.test(response.flag); if(!match == true) { if(cfg.reporttype == "columnreport") { $('#columnform').empty().html(response.html); } else { // Popupreport var ropts = response.options.reportheader; console.log(ropts); // Create better formatted title var opts = { content: '<div class="col mr10 pad">'+response.html+'</div>', contentSize: { width: ropts.width, height: ropts.width }, paneltype: 'modal', headerTitle: '<span class="">'+ropts.title+'</span>' }; var formPopup =; } } else { Cliq.error('Ajax function returned error NotOk - '+urlstr+':'+JSON.stringify(response)); }; } else { Cliq.error('Response was not JSON object - '+urlstr+':'+response.msg); } }).go(); } /** Display a Gallery of images * * @param - * @internal **/ var displayImages = function() { cfg = Cliq.config(); var urlstr = '/ajax/'+jlcd+'/displayimages/'+cfg.table+'/'+cfg.tabletype+'/'; aja().method('GET').url(urlstr).cache(false).timeout(2500).type('json') .on('40x', function(response) {Cliq.error('Page not Found - '+urlstr+':'+response);}) .on('500', function(response) {Cliq.error('Server Error - '+urlstr+':'+response);}) .on('timeout', function(response) {Cliq.error('Timeout - '+urlstr+':'+response);}) .on('success', function(response) { if(typeof response == 'object') { // Test NotOK - value already exists var match = /NotOk/.test(response.flag); if(!match == true) { var ropts = response.options.reportheader; console.log(ropts); // Create better formatted title var opts = { content: '<div class="col mr10 pad">'+response.html+'</div>', contentSize: { width: ropts.width, height: ropts.width }, paneltype: 'modal', headerTitle: '<span class="">'+ropts.title+'</span>', callback: [ function() { Galleria.loadTheme(jspath+'galleria.classic.min.js');'.galleria', { theme: 'classic' }); } ] }; var formPopup =; } else { Cliq.error('Ajax function returned error NotOk - '+urlstr+':'+JSON.stringify(response)); }; } else { Cliq.error('Response was not JSON object - '+urlstr+':'+response.msg); } }).go(); } // explicitly return public methods when this object is instantiated return { // outside: inside reportDesigner: reportDesigner, displayReports: displayReports, displayImages: displayImages, runReport: runReport, set: _set, get: _get }; })(jQuery); /* var tw = { callback: function (value) { console.log('TypeWatch callback: (' + (this.type || this.nodeName) + ') ' + value); }, wait: 750, highlight: true, allowSubmit: false, captureLength: 3}; $(this.$el).typeWatch(tw); */ (function($, window) { $.fn.replaceOptions = function(options) { var self, $option; this.empty(); self = this; $.each(options, function(index, option) { $option = $("<option></option>") .attr("value", option.value) .text(option.text); self.append($option); }); }; })(jQuery, window); /* // Selecting a table from select:id="tables" gets options for select:id = "tabletypes" $('select[name="c_parent"]').on('change', function(e) { var selected = $(this).val(); $.each(selected, function(k,s) { var pts = explode(':', s); rcfg.tables += pts[0]+','; if(count(pts) == 2) { if(strstr(rcfg.tabletype, pts[1]) === false) {rcfg.tabletype += pts[1];}; }; }); rcfg.df.$data.formdef.tables = rcfg.tables; generateSql(); // We have a table, such as dbcollection > go and get tabletypes var urlstr = '/ajax/'+jlcd+'/getfields/'+rcfg.table+'/'+rcfg.tabletype+'/'; aja().method('GET').url(urlstr).cache(false).timeout(2500).type('json') .on('40x', function(response) {Cliq.error('Page not Found - '+urlstr+':'+response);}) .on('500', function(response) {Cliq.error('Server Error - '+urlstr+':'+response);}) .on('timeout', function(response) {Cliq.error('Timeout - '+urlstr+':'+response);}) .on('success', function(response) { if(typeof response == 'object') { // Test NotOK - value already exists var match = /NotOk/.test(response.flag); if(!match == true) { var $el = $("#fieldselect"); $.each(response.fldoptions, function(n, obj) { $el.append($("<option></option>").attr("value", obj.value).text(obj.label)); }); rcfg.df.$data.fldoptions = response.fldoptions; } else { Cliq.error('Ajax function returned error NotOk - '+urlstr+':'+JSON.stringify(response)); }; } else { Cliq.error('Response was not JSON object - '+urlstr+':'+response.msg); } }).go(); }); // End tableselect // Now get the fields to put into the Select statement and populate the columns $('#fieldselect').on('change', function(e) { var selected = $(this).val(); $.each(selected, function(k,s) { if(strstr(rcfg.fields, s) === false) { rcfg.fields += s+','; }; }); rcfg.df.$data.formdef.fields = rcfg.fields; generateSql(); // Now we can generate the parts of the form that are dependent on Tabls and Fields, such as Columns, Group, Filter By and Sort Order }); */