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File: Debug.php

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File: Debug.php
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Description: Debug class
Class: DebugLive
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Date: 14 years ago
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<?php /** * Debug sites live. * @example See file "debug_example.php" for usage examples * @author Artur Barseghyan * @version 0.2 * @copyright Artur Barseghyan * @license GPL */ class Debug { /** * Boolean. Default value of the <$_UseBuffer> flag. */ const USE_BUFFER = false; /** * Boolean. Default value of the <$_DisplayNone> flag. */ const DISPLAY_NONE = true; /** * Boolean. Default value of <$_DisplayFullTrace> flag. */ const DISPLAY_FULL_TRACE = false; /** * Boolean. Default value for <$_AddDebugInfo> flag. */ const ADD_DEBUG_INFO = true; /** * String. Default value for <$_DumpFunction> value. */ const DUMP_FUNCTION = 'print_r'; /** * String. */ const ACCESS_CHECK_IP = 'ip'; /** * String. */ const ACCESS_CHECK_FINGERPRINT = 'fingerprint'; /** * String. */ const FINGERPRINT_PREFIX = 'lgdl*4399@FJ-00%dasdsa^'; /** * Holds an instance of Debug object. * * @var Debug object */ private static $_Instance; /** * Enable debugging flag. * * @var Bool */ private $_enable; /** * Access control parameters. * @var Associative Array of Strings */ private $_accessParams; private $_errorLog = array(); /** * Access control IPs * * @var Array of Associative Arrays of Strings */ private $_ips = array(); /** * If set to true, debug info will be added. * * @var Bool */ private $_addDebugInfo = self::ADD_DEBUG_INFO; /** * If set to true, output will be included in the scope of &gl;div&gt; tags * with CSS property set to display:none; * * @var Bool */ private $_displayNone = self::DISPLAY_NONE; /** * If set to true, full debug trace will be added. * * @var Bool */ private $_displayFullTrace = self::DISPLAY_FULL_TRACE; /** * If set to true, debug info will be buffered instead of direct output. * * @var Bool */ private $_useBuffer = self::USE_BUFFER; /** * Dump function to use. * * @var String */ private $_dumpFunction = self::DUMP_FUNCTION; /** * List of allowed dump functions. * * @var Array */ private $_dumpFunctions = array( 'print_r' => 'print_r', 'var_dump' => 'var_dump'); /** * Buffer data. * * @var Array of Strings */ private $_bufferData = array(); /** * What access control checks to perform. * * @var Array of Strings */ private $_accessChecks = array(self::ACCESS_CHECK_IP); /** * Allowed values for access control checks. * * @var Array of Strings */ private $_accessChecksValues = array(self::ACCESS_CHECK_IP, self::ACCESS_CHECK_FINGERPRINT ); /** * Fingerprints, defined by user for checks. * * @var Array of Strings */ private $_fingerprints; /** * Collection of commands and results * * @var Array of Objects */ private $_collection = array(); private $_languageConstructs = array('die', 'exit', 'echo'); /** * Contructor. */ private function __construct() { } /** * Initializes an object, returns the instance. * * @param Bool $addDebugInfo * @param Bool $displayFullTrace * @param Bool $useBuffer * @param String $dumpFunction * @return Debug object */ public static function Call() { if (!self::$_Instance instanceof self) { self::$_Instance = new self(); } return self::$_Instance; } /** * Enables debugging. */ public static function Enable() { self::Call()->$_enabled = true; } /** * Disables debugging. */ public static function Disable() { self::Call()->$_enabled = false; } /** * Catches calls (for PHP version >= 5.3 only). * Allows to call functions statically: * Debug::YourFunctionName(Arguments) * All other PHP versions please use: * Debug::Call()->YourFunctionName(Arguments) * * @param String $name * @param Array $arguments */ public function __callStatic($name, $arguments) { if (!$this->accessIsGranted()) { return false; } $exception = new Exception(); return $this->_executeFunction($name, $arguments, $exception); } /** * Catches calls. Example of usage: * Debug::Call()->YourFunctionName(Arguments) * * @param String $name * @param Array $arguments */ public function __call($name, $arguments) { if (!$this->accessIsGranted()) { return false; } $exception = new Exception(); return $this->_executeFunction($name, $arguments, $exception); } /** * Sets parameters for access control. Example of usage: * Debug::SetAccessParam('IP', ''); * * @param String $key * @param String $var */ public function setAccessParam($key, $var) { $this->_accessParams[$key] = $var; } /** * Sets parameters for access control. Similar to <SetAccessParam> * * @param Associative Array of Strings $params */ public function setAccessParams(array $params) { $this->_accessParams = $params; } /** * Gets a parameters. Similar to <GetAccessParam>. * * @return Associative Array of Strings */ public function getAccessParams() { return $this->_accessParams; } private function _logError($error) { if (empty($this->_errorLog)) { $this->_errorLog = array(); } $this->_errorLog[] = $error; } private function _cleanErrorLog() { $this->_errorLog = null; } private function _getErrorLog() { return $this->_errorLog; } private function _getLastLoggedError() { return end($this->_errorLog); } /** * Gets access parameters. * * @param String $key * @return String */ public function getAccessParam($key) { return isset($this->_accessParams[$key]) ? $this->_accessParams[$key] : null; } /** * Performs function execution. * * @param String $name * @param Associative Array $params * @param Exception object $exception */ private function _executeFunction($name, $arguments, $exception) { $this->_cleanErrorLog(); if ($this->_useBuffer) { ob_start(); } $result = null; if ($this->_displayNone) { echo '<div style="display:none;">' . "\n"; } if ($this->_addDebugInfo) { $trace = $exception->getTrace(); $details = ''; if ($this->_displayFullTrace) { $details = $exception->getTraceAsString(); } else if (isset($trace[1])) { if (isset($trace[1]['file'])) { $details .= ' File: ' . $trace[1]['file'] . "\n"; } if (isset($trace[1]['line'])) { $details .= ' Line: ' . $trace[1]['line'] . "\n"; } } echo 'Function call details:' . "\n" . ' Function: ' . $name . "\n" . $details . ' Arguments:' . "\n" . $this->_printFunctionArguments($arguments); echo "\n\n" . 'Call results the following output: ' . "\n"; } if (function_exists($name)) { $result = $name($arguments); } else if (in_array($name, $this->_languageConstructs)) { $result = $name($arguments); } else { $this->_logError('Function "' . $name . '" does not exist!'); echo $this->_getLastLoggedError(); } if ($this->_displayNone) { echo "\n" . '</div>'; } if ($this->_useBuffer) { $this->_bufferData[] = ob_get_clean(); } // Adding to collections. $this->_collection[] = new DebugCollection($name, $arguments, $result, $this->_getErrorLog(), $exception->getTrace()); return $result; } /** * Sets flag to use the buffer for debugging. */ public static function UseBuffer() { self::Call()->_useBuffer = true; } /** * Unsets the flag to use the buffer for debugging. */ public static function NoBuffer() { self::Call()->_useBuffer = false; } /** * Resets Debug information display configuration. */ public static function ResetDisplayConfiguration() { self::Call()->_addDebugInfo = self::ADD_DEBUG_INFO; self::Call()->_displayFullTrace = self::DISPLAY_FULL_TRACE; self::Call()->_useBuffer = self::USE_BUFFER; } /** * Resets Debug access control parameters. */ public static function ResetAccessParams() { self::Call()->_accessParams = array(); } /** * Resets Debug access control parameters. */ public static function ResetCollection() { self::Call()->_collection = array(); } /** * Resets Debug dump function. */ public static function ResetDumpFunction() { self::Call()->_dumpFunction = self::DUMP_FUNCTION; } /** * Global reset of the whole Debug object. */ public static function Reset() { self::ResetDisplayConfiguration(); self::ResetAccessParams(); self::EmptyBuffer(); self::ResetFingerprints(); self::ResetIps(); self::NoBuffer(); self::ResetCollection(); } /** * Resets <self::$_Ips> array of allowed IPs. */ public static function ResetIps() { self::Call()->_ips = array(); } /** * Empties the debug buffer. */ public static function EmptyBuffer() { self::Call()->_bufferData = array(); } /** * Returns debug buffer content. * * @param Bool $asString * @return Array || String */ public static function GetBuffer($asString = false) { return ($asString) ? implode("\n", self::Call()->_bufferData) : self::Call()->_bufferData; } /** * Prints out the function arguments in readable way. * * @param Array $arguments * @return String */ private function _printFunctionArguments($arguments) { $dumpFunction = $this->_dumpFunction; $return = ''; foreach ($arguments as $index => $argument) { $return .= 'Argument [' . $index . '] => ' . $dumpFunction($argument, true); } return $return; } /** * Sets property <$_DumpFunction>. * * @param String $dumpFunction */ public static function SetDumpFunction($dumpFunction) { if (isset(self::Call()->_dumpFunctions[$dumpFunction])) { self::Call()->_dumpFunction = $dumpFunction; } } /** * Sets property <$_AddDebugInfo>. * * @param Bool $addDebugInfo * @return Debug object. */ public function showInfo($addDebugInfo = self::ADD_DEBUG_INFO) { $this->_addDebugInfo = $addDebugInfo; return $this; } /** * Sets property <$_DisplayNone>. * * @param Bool $displayNone * @return Debug object */ public function displayNone($displayNone = self::DISPLAY_NONE) { $this->_displayNone = $displayNone; return $this; } /** * Sets property <$_UseBuffer>. * * @param Bool $bufferData * @return Debug object. */ public function buffer($bufferData = self::USE_BUFFER) { $this->_useBuffer = $bufferData; return $this; } /** * Sets property <$_DisplayFullTrace>. * * @param Bool $displayFullTrace * @return Debug object */ public function trace($displayFullTrace = self::DISPLAY_FULL_TRACE) { $this->_displayFullTrace = $displayFullTrace; return $this; } /** * Sets property <$_DumpFunction>. * * @param String $dumpFunction * @return Debug object */ public function dump($dumpFunction = self::DUMP_FUNCTION) { self::SetDumpFunction($dumpFunction); return $this; } /** * Sets value of property <$_DisplayNone>. * * @param Bool $displayNone */ public static function SetDisplayNone($displayNone = self::DISPLAY_NONE) { self::Call()->_displayNone = $displayNone; } /** * Sets value of property <$_AddDebugInfo>. * * @param Bool $addDebugInfo */ public static function SetAddDebugInfo($addDebugInfo = self::ADD_DEBUG_INFO) { self::Call()->_addDebugInfo = $addDebugInfo; } /** * Sets value of property <$_DisplayFullTrace>. * * @param <type> $displayFullTrace */ public static function SetDisplayFullTrace($displayFullTrace = self::DISPLAY_FULL_TRACE) { self::Call()->_displayFullTrace = $displayFullTrace; } /** * Adds an IP to check. * * @param String $ip * @param Bool $access */ public static function AddIp($ip) { self::Call()->_ips[$ip] = $ip; } /** * Adds a fingerprint to check. * * @param String $fingerprint */ public static function AddFingerprint($fingerprint) { self::Call()->_fingerprints[$fingerprint] = $fingerprint; } /** * Resets the <self::$_Fingerprints> array. */ public static function ResetFingerprints() { self::Call()->_fingerprints = array(); } /** * Removes an IP from check. * * @param String $ip */ public static function RemoveIp($ip) { if (isset(self::Call()->_ips[$ip])) { self::Call()->_ips[$ip] = null; // Setting object to null unset(self::Call()->_ips[$ip]); // Unsetting the variable } } /** * Gets an array of all IPs * * @return Array of DebugIpContainer objects */ public static function GetIps() { return self::Call()->_ips; } /** * Peroforms the access control check. Returns true if one of the checks is * successful. * * @return Bool */ public function accessIsGranted() { $result = false; foreach ($this->_accessChecks as $check) { $checkFunction = '_Perform' . ucfirst($check) . 'Check'; if ($this->$checkFunction()) { $result = true; } } return $result; } /** * Performs an IP check. Returns boolean true on success. * * @return Bool */ private static function _PerformIpCheck() { $currentIp = isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) ? $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] : null; if (in_array($currentIp, array_keys(self::Call()->_ips))) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Performs a fingerprint check. Returns boolean true on success. * * @return Bool */ private static function _PerformFingerprintCheck() { if (in_array(self::GenerateFingerprint(), self::Call()->_fingerprints)) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Encodes a fingerprint. * * @return String */ public static function GenerateFingerprint() { return sha1(self::_GetFingerPrint()); } /** * Gets a fingerprint string based on <$_SERVER> data. * * @return String */ private static function _GetFingerprint() { $fingerprint = self::FINGERPRINT_PREFIX . (isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) ? $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] : '') . (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] : '') . (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING'] : '') . (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'] : ''); return $fingerprint; } /** * Adds an access control check. * * @param String $check */ public static function AddAccessCheck($check) { if (in_array($check, self::Call()->_accessChecksValues)) { self::Call()->_accessChecks[$check] = $check; } } /** * Unsets an access control check. * * @param String $check */ public static function RemoveAccessCheck($check) { if (in_array($check, self::Call()->_accessChecksValues)) { unset(self::Call()->_accessChecks[$check]); } } public function getCollection() { return $this->_collection; } } class DebugCollection { private $_function = null; private $_arguments = array(); private $_return = null; private $_trace = null; private $_error = null; public function __construct($function, $arguments, $return, $error = null, $trace = null) { $this->_function = $function; $this->_arguments = $arguments; $this->_return = $return; $this->_error = $error; $this->_trace = $trace; } public function getFunction() { return $this->_function; } public function getArguments($asString = false) { $asString = (bool)$asString; return ($asString) ? implode(', ', $this->_arguments) : $this->_arguments; } public function getReturn() { return $this->_return; } public function getTrace() { return $this->_trace; } public function getError() { return $this->_error; } } ?>