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File: application/modules/extensions/aws/Aws/data/streams.dynamodb/2012-08-10/api-2.json.php

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  Classes of Tran Tuan   Pretty PHP S3 Files Manager   application/modules/extensions/aws/Aws/data/streams.dynamodb/2012-08-10/api-2.json.php   Download  
File: application/modules/extensions/aws/Aws/data/streams.dynamodb/2012-08-10/api-2.json.php
Role: Application script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Application script
Class: Pretty PHP S3 Files Manager
Web based interface to manage files in Amazon S3
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 8 years ago
Size: 9,595 bytes


Class file image Download
// This file was auto-generated from sdk-root/src/data/streams.dynamodb/2012-08-10/api-2.json
return [ 'version' => '2.0', 'metadata' => [ 'apiVersion' => '2012-08-10', 'endpointPrefix' => 'streams.dynamodb', 'jsonVersion' => '1.0', 'protocol' => 'json', 'serviceFullName' => 'Amazon DynamoDB Streams', 'signatureVersion' => 'v4', 'signingName' => 'dynamodb', 'targetPrefix' => 'DynamoDBStreams_20120810', ], 'operations' => [ 'DescribeStream' => [ 'name' => 'DescribeStream', 'http' => [ 'method' => 'POST', 'requestUri' => '/', ], 'input' => [ 'shape' => 'DescribeStreamInput', ], 'output' => [ 'shape' => 'DescribeStreamOutput', ], 'errors' => [ [ 'shape' => 'ResourceNotFoundException', 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'InternalServerError', 'exception' => true, 'fault' => true, ], ], ], 'GetRecords' => [ 'name' => 'GetRecords', 'http' => [ 'method' => 'POST', 'requestUri' => '/', ], 'input' => [ 'shape' => 'GetRecordsInput', ], 'output' => [ 'shape' => 'GetRecordsOutput', ], 'errors' => [ [ 'shape' => 'ResourceNotFoundException', 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'LimitExceededException', 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'InternalServerError', 'exception' => true, 'fault' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'ExpiredIteratorException', 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'TrimmedDataAccessException', 'exception' => true, ], ], ], 'GetShardIterator' => [ 'name' => 'GetShardIterator', 'http' => [ 'method' => 'POST', 'requestUri' => '/', ], 'input' => [ 'shape' => 'GetShardIteratorInput', ], 'output' => [ 'shape' => 'GetShardIteratorOutput', ], 'errors' => [ [ 'shape' => 'ResourceNotFoundException', 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'InternalServerError', 'exception' => true, 'fault' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'TrimmedDataAccessException', 'exception' => true, ], ], ], 'ListStreams' => [ 'name' => 'ListStreams', 'http' => [ 'method' => 'POST', 'requestUri' => '/', ], 'input' => [ 'shape' => 'ListStreamsInput', ], 'output' => [ 'shape' => 'ListStreamsOutput', ], 'errors' => [ [ 'shape' => 'ResourceNotFoundException', 'exception' => true, ], [ 'shape' => 'InternalServerError', 'exception' => true, 'fault' => true, ], ], ], ], 'shapes' => [ 'AttributeMap' => [ 'type' => 'map', 'key' => [ 'shape' => 'AttributeName', ], 'value' => [ 'shape' => 'AttributeValue', ], ], 'AttributeName' => [ 'type' => 'string', 'max' => 65535, ], 'AttributeValue' => [ 'type' => 'structure', 'members' => [ 'S' => [ 'shape' => 'StringAttributeValue', ], 'N' => [ 'shape' => 'NumberAttributeValue', ], 'B' => [ 'shape' => 'BinaryAttributeValue', ], 'SS' => [ 'shape' => 'StringSetAttributeValue', ], 'NS' => [ 'shape' => 'NumberSetAttributeValue', ], 'BS' => [ 'shape' => 'BinarySetAttributeValue', ], 'M' => [ 'shape' => 'MapAttributeValue', ], 'L' => [ 'shape' => 'ListAttributeValue', ], 'NULL' => [ 'shape' => 'NullAttributeValue', ], 'BOOL' => [ 'shape' => 'BooleanAttributeValue', ], ], ], 'BinaryAttributeValue' => [ 'type' => 'blob', ], 'BinarySetAttributeValue' => [ 'type' => 'list', 'member' => [ 'shape' => 'BinaryAttributeValue', ], ], 'BooleanAttributeValue' => [ 'type' => 'boolean', ], 'Date' => [ 'type' => 'timestamp', ], 'DescribeStreamInput' => [ 'type' => 'structure', 'required' => [ 'StreamArn', ], 'members' => [ 'StreamArn' => [ 'shape' => 'StreamArn', ], 'Limit' => [ 'shape' => 'PositiveIntegerObject', ], 'ExclusiveStartShardId' => [ 'shape' => 'ShardId', ], ], ], 'DescribeStreamOutput' => [ 'type' => 'structure', 'members' => [ 'StreamDescription' => [ 'shape' => 'StreamDescription', ], ], ], 'ErrorMessage' => [ 'type' => 'string', ], 'ExpiredIteratorException' => [ 'type' => 'structure', 'members' => [ 'message' => [ 'shape' => 'ErrorMessage', ], ], 'exception' => true, ], 'GetRecordsInput' => [ 'type' => 'structure', 'required' => [ 'ShardIterator', ], 'members' => [ 'ShardIterator' => [ 'shape' => 'ShardIterator', ], 'Limit' => [ 'shape' => 'PositiveIntegerObject', ], ], ], 'GetRecordsOutput' => [ 'type' => 'structure', 'members' => [ 'Records' => [ 'shape' => 'RecordList', ], 'NextShardIterator' => [ 'shape' => 'ShardIterator', ], ], ], 'GetShardIteratorInput' => [ 'type' => 'structure', 'required' => [ 'StreamArn', 'ShardId', 'ShardIteratorType', ], 'members' => [ 'StreamArn' => [ 'shape' => 'StreamArn', ], 'ShardId' => [ 'shape' => 'ShardId', ], 'ShardIteratorType' => [ 'shape' => 'ShardIteratorType', ], 'SequenceNumber' => [ 'shape' => 'SequenceNumber', ], ], ], 'GetShardIteratorOutput' => [ 'type' => 'structure', 'members' => [ 'ShardIterator' => [ 'shape' => 'ShardIterator', ], ], ], 'InternalServerError' => [ 'type' => 'structure', 'members' => [ 'message' => [ 'shape' => 'ErrorMessage', ], ], 'exception' => true, 'fault' => true, ], 'KeySchema' => [ 'type' => 'list', 'member' => [ 'shape' => 'KeySchemaElement', ], 'max' => 2, 'min' => 1, ], 'KeySchemaAttributeName' => [ 'type' => 'string', 'max' => 255, 'min' => 1, ], 'KeySchemaElement' => [ 'type' => 'structure', 'required' => [ 'AttributeName', 'KeyType', ], 'members' => [ 'AttributeName' => [ 'shape' => 'KeySchemaAttributeName', ], 'KeyType' => [ 'shape' => 'KeyType', ], ], ], 'KeyType' => [ 'type' => 'string', 'enum' => [ 'HASH', 'RANGE', ], ], 'LimitExceededException' => [ 'type' => 'structure', 'members' => [ 'message' => [ 'shape' => 'ErrorMessage', ], ], 'exception' => true, ], 'ListAttributeValue' => [ 'type' => 'list', 'member' => [ 'shape' => 'AttributeValue', ], ], 'ListStreamsInput' => [ 'type' => 'structure', 'members' => [ 'TableName' => [ 'shape' => 'TableName', ], 'Limit' => [ 'shape' => 'PositiveIntegerObject', ], 'ExclusiveStartStreamArn' => [ 'shape' => 'StreamArn', ], ], ], 'ListStreamsOutput' => [ 'type' => 'structure', 'members' => [ 'Streams' => [ 'shape' => 'StreamList', ], 'LastEvaluatedStreamArn' => [ 'shape' => 'StreamArn', ], ], ], 'MapAttributeValue' => [ 'type' => 'map', 'key' => [ 'shape' => 'AttributeName', ], 'value' => [ 'shape' => 'AttributeValue', ], ], 'NullAttributeValue' => [ 'type' => 'boolean', ], 'NumberAttributeValue' => [ 'type' => 'string', ], 'NumberSetAttributeValue' => [ 'type' => 'list', 'member' => [ 'shape' => 'NumberAttributeValue', ], ], 'OperationType' => [ 'type' => 'string', 'enum' => [ 'INSERT', 'MODIFY', 'REMOVE', ], ], 'PositiveIntegerObject' => [ 'type' => 'integer', 'min' => 1, ], 'PositiveLongObject' => [ 'type' => 'long', 'min' => 1, ], 'Record' => [ 'type' => 'structure', 'members' => [ 'eventID' => [ 'shape' => 'String', ], 'eventName' => [ 'shape' => 'OperationType', ], 'eventVersion' => [ 'shape' => 'String', ], 'eventSource' => [ 'shape' => 'String', ], 'awsRegion' => [ 'shape' => 'String', ], 'dynamodb' => [ 'shape' => 'StreamRecord', ], ], ], 'RecordList' => [ 'type' => 'list', 'member' => [ 'shape' => 'Record', ], ], 'ResourceNotFoundException' => [ 'type' => 'structure', 'members' => [ 'message' => [ 'shape' => 'ErrorMessage', ], ], 'exception' => true, ], 'SequenceNumber' => [ 'type' => 'string', 'max' => 40, 'min' => 21, ], 'SequenceNumberRange' => [ 'type' => 'structure', 'members' => [ 'StartingSequenceNumber' => [ 'shape' => 'SequenceNumber', ], 'EndingSequenceNumber' => [ 'shape' => 'SequenceNumber', ], ], ], 'Shard' => [ 'type' => 'structure', 'members' => [ 'ShardId' => [ 'shape' => 'ShardId', ], 'SequenceNumberRange' => [ 'shape' => 'SequenceNumberRange', ], 'ParentShardId' => [ 'shape' => 'ShardId', ], ], ], 'ShardDescriptionList' => [ 'type' => 'list', 'member' => [ 'shape' => 'Shard', ], ], 'ShardId' => [ 'type' => 'string', 'max' => 65, 'min' => 28, ], 'ShardIterator' => [ 'type' => 'string', 'max' => 2048, 'min' => 1, ], 'ShardIteratorType' => [ 'type' => 'string', 'enum' => [ 'TRIM_HORIZON', 'LATEST', 'AT_SEQUENCE_NUMBER', 'AFTER_SEQUENCE_NUMBER', ], ], 'Stream' => [ 'type' => 'structure', 'members' => [ 'StreamArn' => [ 'shape' => 'StreamArn', ], 'TableName' => [ 'shape' => 'TableName', ], 'StreamLabel' => [ 'shape' => 'String', ], ], ], 'StreamArn' => [ 'type' => 'string', 'max' => 1024, 'min' => 37, ], 'StreamDescription' => [ 'type' => 'structure', 'members' => [ 'StreamArn' => [ 'shape' => 'StreamArn', ], 'StreamLabel' => [ 'shape' => 'String', ], 'StreamStatus' => [ 'shape' => 'StreamStatus', ], 'StreamViewType' => [ 'shape' => 'StreamViewType', ], 'CreationRequestDateTime' => [ 'shape' => 'Date', ], 'TableName' => [ 'shape' => 'TableName', ], 'KeySchema' => [ 'shape' => 'KeySchema', ], 'Shards' => [ 'shape' => 'ShardDescriptionList', ], 'LastEvaluatedShardId' => [ 'shape' => 'ShardId', ], ], ], 'StreamList' => [ 'type' => 'list', 'member' => [ 'shape' => 'Stream', ], ], 'StreamRecord' => [ 'type' => 'structure', 'members' => [ 'Keys' => [ 'shape' => 'AttributeMap', ], 'NewImage' => [ 'shape' => 'AttributeMap', ], 'OldImage' => [ 'shape' => 'AttributeMap', ], 'SequenceNumber' => [ 'shape' => 'SequenceNumber', ], 'SizeBytes' => [ 'shape' => 'PositiveLongObject', ], 'StreamViewType' => [ 'shape' => 'StreamViewType', ], ], ], 'StreamStatus' => [ 'type' => 'string', 'enum' => [ 'ENABLING', 'ENABLED', 'DISABLING', 'DISABLED', ], ], 'StreamViewType' => [ 'type' => 'string', 'enum' => [ 'NEW_IMAGE', 'OLD_IMAGE', 'NEW_AND_OLD_IMAGES', 'KEYS_ONLY', ], ], 'String' => [ 'type' => 'string', ], 'StringAttributeValue' => [ 'type' => 'string', ], 'StringSetAttributeValue' => [ 'type' => 'list', 'member' => [ 'shape' => 'StringAttributeValue', ], ], 'TableName' => [ 'type' => 'string', 'max' => 255, 'min' => 3, 'pattern' => '[a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+', ], 'TrimmedDataAccessException' => [ 'type' => 'structure', 'members' => [ 'message' => [ 'shape' => 'ErrorMessage', ], ], 'exception' => true, ], ],];