How To Instantiate This Class
It determines the area and perimeter of a polygon by accepting the vertices (_coordinates_) of the polygon.
_These parameters can be provided in three different ways_:
1. Supplying them in the constructor definition
You can do this by adding the coordinates as a Point object as parameter.
A Point Object is a new instance of a point class that's already been included in the
class file. You can find the source code of this class in the point.class.php
class file
To provide the vertices of the polygon as parameters of the constructor, _you may instantiate it this way_:
`$polygonObjectInstance = new Polygon(new Point(0, 0), new Point(2), ...);`
The constructor accepts as many parameters as is possible, _although, they're all optional_
2. Providing them as parameters to the setVertice() method
The setVertice method accepts a single parameter which must be an instance of the Point object.
This parameter acts as the coordinate/vertex of a polygon
`$pointObjectInstance->setVertice(new Point());`
`$pointObjectInstance->setVertice(new Point(2, 3));`
`//This option provides a coordinate with the x and y axis at the (0, 0) and (2, 3) positions on a plane`
Providing them as parameters to the setVertices() method
Unlike the setVertice method, this method accepts more than one parameter just like the constructor but they all
do the same thing, to populate an array with a set of coordinates.
You can get both the area and parameter by calling either of the area()
or perimeter()
methods respectively
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